Here's Why You Should Consider Getting A Head Massage
A nice head massage with or without oil, can be a real treat for you, here's why.
After a hectic day at work or school or at home, you may need is something that relieves you from all the stress. And one of the most effective ways of relieving stress which has always been practiced in our country since the ancient eras is a head massage. A nice head massage with or without oil, can be a real treat for you, as it helps in reducing anxiety and stress. Well this is just a part of the benefits you get from a head massage. It also enhances blood circulation to your scalp and improves the quality of your hair, making it thicker and shinier.
And the list doesn't end here, listed below are some of the perks of good head massage.
1. Prevents headaches migraines and back pains.
Sometimes, stress and tension may cause pain in your back and headaches and may even lead to migraine. These factors can disrupt your daily life activities and also affect your efficiency, or to make it worse, may even lead to depression. For this, a massage therapist will reach all those points and apply pressure on them to relax every part of your body that is causing pain and discomfort. This will improve the circulation of blood to every part of your body hence making you calm and at ease.
2. Improves hair growth If you wish to possess long, lustrous and beautiful hair, a good massage can be very helpful. It nourishes your hair and sends oxygen to the scalp and roots of your hair, reaching the hair follicles hence making them healthier.
3. Helps you get a better sleep Thanks to its stress-relieving qualities, a good head massage relieves your mind of all anxieties hence improving your quality of sleep.
4. Boosts energy levels When dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety, you tend to have a restless body and mind. Sometimes, it may lead to insomnia, which keeps you exhausted and incapable of doing more work. A good head massage improves your sleep, opens your body to relaxation hence boosts your energy level..
By: DoctorNDTV | Updated: Jan 25, 2018 03:01 IST