Oh There’s No Place Like a Massage Table for the Holidays…
What do you think about when you think of the upcoming holidays? Decorating? Shopping? Entertaining? Balancing a social calendar that seems to be in conflict at every turn?
The hard truth is that we know we can’t do everything we want to during this time of year, but — darned if we don’t try. And the amount of stress you may be under to be all things to all people just might creep up on you.
From now until Christmas Day, between office parties, reunions, meet-ups with old friends, family gatherings, holiday events and shopping trips, I can guarantee you one thing: you WILL need a massage. And I am here for all of it, ready to relieve those tensions in your body and melt them away so you can easily go back to your errands and events feeling refreshed, ready to take on new challenges.
Did you know that even if you play it low key over the holidays, however, cold weather can make your muscles tight? With the use of soothing oils and careful, targeted massage therapy, I am here to warm those muscles up, eliminate toxins, alleviate pain and boost all the good-feel good hormones your body can stand.
Are you like a lot of other people at this time of year that fall into a funk? Anxiety and depression is often associated with this season as well, which is another reason to turn to massage therapy. Massage can reduce these symptoms, relaxing you in the process.
And how about sleep? Getting solid nights of rest are crucial to having the energy you’ll need to handle the stresses of the holiday season, and even a 30-minute massage can work wonders toward your ability to settle down, promoting sleep and relaxation.
Okay — one more thing about massage this time of year. Flu and cold season can wreak havoc with your holiday plans, but massage may help. Your immune system needs all the help it can get right now and it has been proven that massage therapy can actually improve your white blood cell count.
So why not give yourself or anyone you love the gift of massage this holiday season? You deserve it. Use the "Online Schedule" tab or text me at 916.837.6582 to schedule your massage.