Some people swear by it, some people don’t understand it and business investors are excited about it. Just a short time ago, I had no clue what it was, and not many people had heard of CBD oil and now it is everywhere, but exactly what is it?
Snake Oil or Cure All? Depending on your source, it could be a little of both.
There is a lot of good information out there as well as a lot of misinformation out there so I am going to break it down so you have a basic understanding.
Exactly What Is It?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a safe, non-intoxicating (so no this won’t get you high) and non-addictive compound that is derived from the hemp plant. Don’t worry, CBD, an essential oil, is Federally approved in all 50 states!
While CBD is one of more than a hundred phytocannabinoids which are unique to the cannabis plant, as mentioned above, CBD by itself does not cause a ‘high’. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, “...CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential”.
Cannabis plants have been used for thousands of years for both medicinal reasons as well as a source of fiber The CBD products that are available commercially today are derived from Hemp plants which differ from other Cannabis plants because it does not have the psychoactive component (THC). You may have seen hemp oil being offered, it is not the same as CBD oil and does not have the same benefits of CBD oil/products.
Can You Believe Our Bodies Make Our Own Cannabis Molecule? Although used for thousands of years, how cannabis specifically affects the body has not been completely understood. Then in the 90’s, scientists discovered that our bodies produce endocannabinoids, a natural cannabis-like molecule. It was further discovered that the purpose of our endocannabinoid system is to help maintain body homeostasis or biological harmony.
Think of Your body as a Piano; the Endocannabinoid System Keeps Your Whole Body Tuned! Initially, it was thought that these endocannabinoid receptors were only in the brain and nerve tissue but scientists later discovered that these receptors are present in our skin cells, our immune system, bone, fat tissue, blood vessels, liver and kidneys, skeletal muscles, the heart as well as the gastrointestinal tract.
Scientists now know the endocannabinoid system is involved in a variety of processes, such as our memory, mood, appetite, stress, sleep, metabolism, immune function, reproductive function and the management of pain.
CBD oil is a very versatile signaling molecule and works medicinally by binding to our bodies’ very own endocannabinoid receptors!
What else should you know about it? Can CBD Oil Hurt Me? If you move ahead to see what CBD will do for you, It is important for you to educate yourself about what you are purchasing. There is a growing diversity of products and dosage levels available, so find a trusted source and do some research.
Like grapefruit juice, CBD can interact with drugs in the same way (by inhibiting the cytochrome p450 enzymes). Grapefruit juice, obviously, is more commonly referenced on labels. Since both can similarly inhibit the metabolic process, any drug or medication that is advised to not be taken with grapefruit juice should also not be consumed with CBD.
When combined with sedatives, CBD can increase the effect of the sedative, which causes an increase in the effects of the medication. CBD also has that same effect when taken along with alcohol.
CBD can interact with other substances so it is important to be aware of potential interactions.
There is ongoing research and studies and the therapeutic properties of CBD continue to be tested and confirmed by doctors and scientists worldwide.
Keep your eye out for my future blogs that address how CBD affects your body and how it functions.