Now that you know more about CBD and the many health benefits of taking it, you are ready to try it!
What dosage should I start with?
The recommended dosage, like other medications, will vary from individual to individual and is dependent on the concentration and quality of the product, one’s body weight as well as the issue for which it is being taken.
As with any medication, it is best to seek advice from a medical professional to assist you in determining the best dosage level for your needs. As the regulation increases, you will begin to see more specific dosage suggestions.
Although I will not provide a recommendation or personal suggestion, I will say that many people who are beginning to take CBD tend to start with an initial dose of 5mg. If you are starting out with 5mg of CBD in the morning and you don’t notice much effect, then slightly increase it to 8-10mg in the afternoon or evening and measure the effectiveness. Frequent users find that a dosage level of 10-20 mg is sufficient.
It is always best to start out with a relatively small dosage level of CBD and find out how you personally react and then gradually build up your dose.
What is the best way to take CBD?
CBD comes in many forms so you have a lot of options, yet, most fall into a few general categories. edibles/capsules, sublingual (under the tongue), topicals and transdermal.
There are, however, some key differences: *Onset: how quickly will the CBD will absorb and begin to take effect *Dosage: what is a reasonable starting dose (it is different for each delivery method) *Areas affected: which part(s) of the body will be affected? *Duration: how long will the CBD effects last?
In general, here are the important aspects of each delivery method.
Edibles (including capsules/soft gels): Absorbed through the stomach and modified in the liver then spreads fairly evenly throughout the body. One thing to note is that the effect on health issues like inflammatory bowel disease will be more pronounced because the cannabinoids interact with receptors in the gut. Other than this, it will typically takes 1-2 hours before any effects are felt. Overall, edibles have a longer-lasting effect and are a good choice for most chronic conditions.
Sublingual (under the tongue) : Absorbed into the bloodstream in the mouth and then distributes fairly evenly throughout the body. Typically it can take 15 - 30 minutes before feeling any effects, and will peak about an hour later but the effects can last for approximately 6 - 8 hours.
These come in the form of a tincture or an under-the-tongue spray. If you are using a spray, you should hold the spray under your tongue for 1 minute before swallowing to allow for maximum absorption. .Tinctures also contain a carrier oil. Some of the side effects are actually caused from the carrier oil so make sure to check the labels before using.
The advantage of this delivery method is consistent and measurable dosing, again, make sure to pay attention to the labels as the dosage amounts per spray or per dropper can very.
Topicals/Transdermals: Topicals and rubs are the most common delivery method and are great when used for skin or joint issues. It is important to note that when applied topically, CBD never reaches the bloodstream.
Our skin has low permeability and acts as a barrier trying to block substances. The skin also has a low absorption rate for cannabinoids.Yet when CBD balms, salves, lotions or creams are applied generously, they will permeate the pores of the skin and will reach the nearby cannabinoid receptors.
Transdermals are also applied to the skin, yet its effects are far different when compared to topicals. Transdermal patches are designed to release CBD into the bloodstream at a consistent rate. This is a good option for most health issues and because of the time-released effect, you can feel the effects for 6-8 hours.
In summary, each delivery method has both its advantages and disadvantages. An important point to remember is that everyone processes CBD differently so it may take some experimentation and trial on your part to find the delivery method that works best for you.
Is there anything else I should know about CBD?
Not all CBD products are created equal so take the time to read labels and look for products that are certified (keep the THC level at or below 0.3% to avoid a psychoactive effect).
There is not enough information about the effects of taking CBD while pregnant or nursing so it is best to avoid usage during this time.
Although CBD can deliver a wide variety of benefits, it can interact with other substances. If you are taking any medication(s), make sure to check with your physician to avoid any potential drug interactions.
Healing Sensation Massage is Now Offering CBD Oil
I am pleased to announce that I now offer a certified CBD Oil option for my clients. If you would like me to incorporate this at your next massage, inform me before we begin your session. I look forward to seeing you soon!