Cupping: An Ancient Form of Pain Therapy
Remember the Rio Olympics, when swimmers and other athletes had
reddish-looking welts all over their backs, shoulder, arms and
forearms? Many of them posted pictures of their polka dots on social
media, swearing by this ancient mode of pain relief.
Cupping is an ancient form of acupuncture that dates back to the
ancient Chinese, Egyptians, and Greeks (all three claim it, of
course). The technique of applying cups of varying sizes to areas of
pain or inflammation throughout the body (most commonly on backs) that
are made into mini-vacuums were used in ancient times for everything
from snakebites to skin lesions and have been used more recently for
relieving symptoms back aches, nagging carpal tunnel pains and can
even help with depression. It’s based on the idea that suction from
the cups draws the skin up and mobilizes blood and energy around the
Cupping in strategic locations, along with cupping massage in the
affected area, can often help relieve the pain in a matter of minutes.
After having been trained in this ancient art, I understand how
cupping enables the blood and energy to move again and travel to an
area where the healing process can begin. Cupping works like a reverse
massage. Instead of applying pressure, suction is created lifting the
muscle and tissue to alleviate pain, loosening muscle, and pulling
blood and oxygen into the area which can help lubricate and loosen up
a muscle.
So what is the experience of cupping like? Although the more
rudimentary forms of cupping involved heat, I use a method whereby a
silicon suction cup creates a partial vacuum as the cup adheres
to the skin. I leave it there anywhere from 2-5 minutes before using
it to massage the affected area, and in some cases, apply several and
just leave them there for a while as I massage other parts of the
body. In some cases, temporary minor red marks occur. You can always
let me know if you would prefer no marks show, and I can adapt the time
that a suction cup stays in one spot so no red marks occur.
Cupping has and continues to be used by athletes and celebrities
alike. For more information on whether to include this as part of your
routine massage visits, give me a call to discuss if this ancient
technique is something that may benefit you or simply have a chat with
me next time you come in.